About us

The foundation for development in justice and peace


The Foundation for Development in Justice and Peace – FUNDAPAZ – is a non-profit organization which has worked towards sustainable rural development together with indigenous and farming organizations in the north of Argentina since 1973.


To promote fair and sustainable territorial human development in the north of Argentina, developing skills and strengthening the interaction between public, private, national and international stakeholders.


To become a strategic stakeholder with social legitimacy, recognized by its skills and results, and therefore to promote full access and the exercise of rights of indigenous and rural communities and their organizations in the sustainable management of their territories

Work areas

The foundation works in the Argentine Chaco region located in the provinces of Salta and Santiago del Estero and in the north of the province of Santa Fe.

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The work area is located in the northeast of the province and covers four regions: Bermejo-Ruta 81, Morillo – Los Blancos, Pilcomayo and Rivadavia Banda Sur.
The recipients of our action in this province are peasant and indigenous organizations. It involves 5,000 families, more than 30,000 people living in the aforementioned areas.

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FUNDAPAZ’s work area is located in the center and north of this province and covers three large areas: Robles, Garza and Salado Norte. They all belong to the Semi-arid Chaco region. The recipients of our action are around 1,500 families; about 9,000 people.

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The work is carried out in the north of the province, in two areas: La Cuña Boscosa and the Bajo Submeridionales. La Cuña Boscosa is located in the north of the province, covers part of the Vera and General Obligado department; and belongs to the Sub-humid Chaco.
The Submeridional Lowlands is a wetland of more than 3 million hectares, with extensive grasslands and an aquatic environment.
In this area, our action is aimed at some 1,500 peasant families living in small rural communities that belong to the localities of the Vera department.

planta con tejido


In this province we work accompanying the Assembly of the Guaraní People (APG) in the towns of Calilegua, Fraile Pintado, Vinalito, San Pedro, Yuto and Bananal, in what is known as the Jujeño Branch. Some of the axes of work in this area are the attention to youth problems, the socio-organizational and productive strengthening of families and indigenous organizations.


Strategic lines of work

Support for grassroots organizations as an instrument for community transformation is one of the central axes of our work.

Water and forest resources in the Chaco region must be used following sustainability criteria to stop the erosion process and palliate the effects of climate change. […]

The productive systems of many Chaco families are not very diversified and have a low technological level, which does not allow for the sustainable use of their resources and ensure a dignified life. […]

The insecurity of land tenure for rural indigenous and peasant families in northern Argentina is a historical problem that has been exacerbated by the expansion of the agricultural frontier and regional infrastructure works […]

We also work with families to improve the transformation processes of primary production and its commercialization in order to generate a greater diversity and quality of products that go on the market […]

Social organizations are, above all, spaces for political construction that contribute to strengthening citizen participation, respecting and expanding rights, and designing and implementing public policies.[…]








Families assisted


Families assisted by ENCONA


Who join us in our job

These organizations and NGOs support our work